Build0.0002 - We're getting there...


        Maybe a little, but you know, the first milestones are generally easy to reach and I like writing about the new accomplishments. This does not mean that I'll be posting every 3-4 days or so though, writing these articles surely take some time!


        It simply represents the major build and the minor build numbers respectively.

        Major build number is the part before the dot, indicating major milestones like going from alpha to beta or from beta to release. Since the game is not in any of those phases and it's pretty young, I opted 0 to any other number.

        Minor build number is, as you'd guess, the part after the dot, indicating minor milestones like new features, feature updates or bug fixes. You might will be seeing big increases of minor build numbers through posts since I will be trying to publish comprehensive posts rather than tons of little ones.


        Certainly! That's why these posts exist!

  • First of all, I needed some different sprites to work; but, I was too lazy to draw anew! So, I just changed the colour of my knight's plume and created new enemies.

  • Added enemy information under their health bars to easily debug the spawning system I wanted to implement.
  • With a couple quick drawings, I created a main menu to have some experience about changing scenes during game runtime.
  • I needed to implement a level change system, and spawning enemies after each of their deaths was pretty straightforward and easy to do. Enemies now send signals on their death that trigger the next enemy spawn. Here is what it looks like now:

  • After implementing the spawning system, I encountered with the first bugs of my game! One of them was, when the last enemy was killed (currently there are 5 different knights), because of that the game couldn't find a new enemy to spawn, the game was crashing. I hope the upcoming bugs will be this easy to fix too though, considering that this one only took two lines of code...


        I'm not totally sure but the next stop, I think, will be about implementing enemies' basic attack pattern and adding dodge mechanics to Frank, so the game will be playable at least. I'm also thinking of implementing a save system with singletons so I can build it up for my needs in the upcoming features! 


        Surely! In case you missed out, I'm in social media now too (well, just Twitter and Instagram for the moment). Here are my Twitter and  Instagram accounts if you'd like to follow me on those platforms too! Thanks for keeping an eye on the game's progression so far!

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